Welcome to the Terms of Use page
Dear Customer: Please read SMMTURBO's Terms of Use carefully before shipping your account, and before placing any new order.
- When you place an order onSMMTURBO , you automatically accept all the terms mentioned below whether you read them or not.
- SMMTURBO Server reserves the right to change these Terms of Service without notice, and you are expected to read all Terms of Service before placing an order to ensure that you are aware of any future changes.
- Prevents ordering for accounts (political/extreme/pornographic/public content)
- You will only use smmturbo in a manner that follows all agreements with Instagram/Facebook/Twitter/Youtube/other social media sites on their Individual Terms of Service page.
- SMMTURBO prices are subject to change at any time and without prior notice.
- The refund policy remains in effect in case of price change.
- SMMTURBO does not guarantee a specific delivery time or shortage rate for any service.
- The approximate time and transmission speed shown on the service are estimated and not very accurate.
- All applications that do not have a period of compensation for a deficiency or guarantee are not compensable even if the entire number decreases, so please request services with a compensation guarantee.
- SMMTURBO Server tries hard to provide what is expected of it by its providers, and we reserve the right to change the type of service if we deem it necessary to complete the request.
- Any malicious/abusive actions that could cause your account to be suspended with us. Before commenting, users will have time to use their remaining balance. Opening a new account after suspension will terminate your account even if it has balance.
Refund Policy
- You agree that once you have paid and charged your account, you will not file a complaint or dispute against us for any reason.
- In no case can you return the balance to your account back to your PayPal, Cashio or payment method approved on the site, you can use it to request services only.
- The balance in your SMMTURBO account cannot be refunded permanently, but you can only use it to request services.
- In the event that a complaint or dispute is filed against us for any reason, we reserve the right to stop all past, current and future requests for you, and to ban the account from the site completely, and we reserve the right to withdraw all followers from your account or the accounts of your customers who were previously requested.
- In the event that the request becomes in progress, you are not entitled to request the cancellation of the service under any circumstances.
- The amount of any request is not canceled and returned for any reason, unless the system fails to complete the work.
- Never place two different orders for the same account link until the first order is fully finished, in which case only one order will be delivered and the second order will be considered complete as well.
- If you request the Instagram service and the account status is changed to Private while working, the service is considered complete, even if you open the account to public again.
- If you request a YouTube subscriber service and the number of subscribers is hidden during execution, the service is considered complete, even if you view the number of subscribers again.
- If you order any service from our site and put the video or account private or the link is changed, the order is considered complete even if you view the account, public video or link again.
- Outside the warranty period, compensation is not made in the event of shortage, noting that the warranty period is indicated on the services in which the deficiency compensation system exists.
- In the event that you change the account user after the request has been completed, you cannot claim compensation unless you return the old user for which you requested the service to be compensated
- In the event that the account is placed especially during implementation, the application is considered complete
- In the event that any post or video is deleted during the execution of the application, the application is considered complete and the owner is not entitled to claim any compensation whatsoever.
- No refunds will be made to your payment method. After the deposit is complete, there is no way to reverse it. You should only use your balance on orders from SMMturbo .
- You agree that once a payment is completed, you will not file a dispute or refund the amount against us for any reason.
privacy policy
- SMMTURBO undertakes to maintain any information related to its customers in accordance with the strictest standards of safety and confidentiality.
- Customer information is used to the minimum extent we need to provide high-level services that satisfy your expectations.
- SMMTURBO ensures that your personal information, customer information, or any basic or identifying information about you as our customer is used solely to provide quality services and we will maintain this information in accordance with our own standards of security and confidentiality of information.
- We are committed not to send any e-mails to you except through our domain (SMMTURBO ) to ensure that you are not exposed to any fraudulent emails.
- We will always evaluate ourselves according to the approved evaluation standards in order to ensure that our standards for the confidentiality and integrity of your information are fully complied with. We will conduct our business in a manner that ensures that our promise to you is fulfilled in all the services in which we operate.
- smmturbo is only used to boost your Instagram/Twitter/Facebook or Social account and helps to boost your "appearance" only.
- We don't guarantee that your new followers will engage with you, we simply guarantee you to get the followers you pay for.
- We do not guarantee that 100% of our accounts have a profile picture, an integrated profile, and uploaded photos, although we strive to make all accounts conform to the real.
- Private accounts will not get followers and we will not be able to cancel the order! Please make sure your account is public before ordering
- We do not guarantee the delivery of services immediately or on the same day, the speed of delivery depends on the number of orders available, the quantity ordered, updates on social networks.